
The DepBuilder plugin is currently available in 2 versions:

  • Community: open source version with basic set of features.
  • Pro: commercial version with additional features and support.


For more info about the pricing of the DepBuilder Pro version, see https://www.royalsloth.eu/products/depbuilder/pro/


Feature Community Pro Description
DSL Domain specific language for defining the build pipeline.
SCM Version control your pipeline build scripts.
Cycle detection Job dependency cycles in the pipeline are automatically detected and have to be resolved before the build is able to start.
Build Visualization Live visualization of the build pipeline
Agent Selection Define the Jenkins agent on which a specific job build will be executed.
Build Termination Terminate the build if it exceeds the specified duration.
Parent Failure Action When the parent job fails to build, it determines whether or not to continue the build.
Parallel Builds Automatically build jobs in parallel
Build Throttle Throttle the parallel builds depending on the time of the day.
Support Support via email.



If you prefer to learn through an example, feel free to skip to the Examples section.

The DepBuilder’s domain specific language (DSL) is the central part of the plugin for defining the build order of Jenkins jobs. The DSL is very strict and will warn you about syntax errors, invalid build agents, typos in job names, cycles in your build pipeline while nudging you into the right direction with the helpful error messages.


Term Description
Job A build unit in Jenkins. A typical example of a job would be the FreeStyle build.
Pipeline/Workflow Output of the DepBuilder’s DSL that defines the specific order in which the jobs will be built.
Jenkins Pipeline A plugin that is part of the Jenkins core that allows you to create a complicated build process that consists of many steps.
Agent A build computer/node that is usually not a Jenkins master node. Jenkins build infrastructure consists of one or more master nodes that control the rest of non-master build computers/agents.

The DepBuilder DSL is usually split into 3 sections:

  • Pipeline settings (_BUILD): defines the settings of the pipeline build scheduler.
  • Job build settings: defines the settings of the build jobs in the pipeline.
  • Build order: defines the order of the build.
// Pipeline settings

// Job build settings
backendProject {

// Build order
// The jobs on the left side of the arrow are parents of the projects
// on the right side of the arrow:
// parent_project -> child_project
backendProject -> integrationTests
frontendProject -> integrationTests


DepBuilder DSL allows comments that follow the C-style comment convention:

// single line comment

   multi line comment

Pipeline Settings (_BUILD)

Pipeline settings are defined within the _BUILD section in the DSL script. The following table presents the possible options of the pipeline settings.

Pipeline Settings (_BUILD section)
Setting Default Description
maxDuration 2:00 Maximum duration of the pipeline build in hh:mm format. If the pipeline build duration exceeds the chosen maxDuration, the pipeline build will be aborted.
buildThrottle Pro 00:00|-1

In the case of parallel builds it may be desired to throttle the build at the certain hours of the day in order to give priority to other builds.

The buildThrottle setting follows the hh:mm|#allowed weight format. Each build job defines its weight factor via job settings (see Job Build Settings section). The weight factors sum of concurrently building jobs is always <= #allowed weight

Build scheduler will always build at least one job, even if: job weight factor > #allowed weight.

To disable the buildThrottling, set the number of executors to -1.


    // the pipeline build will terminated after 5 hours and 30 minutes
    maxDuration: 5:30

     (PRO only):
     00:00 - at the start of the day the build throttling is turned off until
             the first build throttling definition. In this case the builds are
             are not throttled up until 12:15. You can turn it on by adding
             00:00|<number> throttle definition.

     12:15 - we can build as many projects in parallel as long as the sum of
             their weights is <= 3. That is true up until 16:30

     16:30 - we can build as many projects in parallel as long as the sum of
             their weights is <= 12. That is true up until 20:00

     20:00 - after 20:00 there are no restrictions and we can run as many builds
             as possible as long as we have free build executors on Jenkins.
             That is true until 23:00.

     23:00 - we can build as many projects in parallel as long as the sum of
             their weights is <= 5. That is true up until 24:00. At the start
             of the new day (00:00), the build throttling is turned off.
    buildThrottle: [12:15|3, 16:30|12, 20:00|-1, 23:00|5]

Job Build Settings

Build settings for each build job in the pipeline is defined with the jobName {} section. You can use the special _ALL identifier to define the build settings for all the build jobs in the pipeline.

Job Build Settings
Setting Default Description
name   Allows you to override the default job name that is displayed in the build graph. The Jenkins job names has to be unique and could therefore become quite long, while the name fields do not have to be unique.
agent [any]

Defines the Jenkins build runner on which the build should be executed on. This option is usually used when we have a certain build constraints, such as the operating system on which the build should be ran on.

It’s possible to define more than one build runner:

agent: [runner_1, runner_2, runner_3]

If the agent is set to any, the job will be executed on any Jenkins build node that has free executors (by default the agent with the highest number of free executors will be picked).

If there is no build agent with free executors, the job will not be scheduled until one of the specified build agents finishes one task and at least one build executor becomes free.

maxDuration 2:00 Maximum duration of the job build in hh:mm format. If the duration of the job build exceeds the maxDuration, the job build will be automatically aborted.
onParentFailure ABORT

When the parent job of the job with this setting fails to build, the pipeline build could either continue building (BUILD) or abort the pipeline build (ABORT).

Possible options:

weight Pro 1

Defines how demanding building this specific job is. The weight factor is used when the jobs are build in parallel in order to throttle the pipeline build during the specific hours of the day where you may need more resources for other projects.

If you know that a certain job is computationally expensive (e.g: you are building a large C++ project), you may want to increase its weight factor in order to throttle this specific pipeline build and give the rest of the jobs more resources.

This weight factor is an arbitrary number that you can pick as you see fit.


// override the default build settings for all the build jobs
// defined in the build order section
_ALL {
   // if any parent job of the build job fails, the build should
   // continue building. This option could be used when the build
   // jobs in the pipeline do not depend on one another
   onParentFailure: BUILD

   // every job build in the pipeline should finish in less than 30 minutes,
   // otherwise that specific job will be aborted (just one job and not the
   // entire pipeline)
   maxDuration: 0:30

// override the default and _ALL build settings
backendBuild {
   // the backendBuild job will be displayed in the build graph as MyBackendBuild
   name: "MyBackendBuild"

   // any build agent with free executors will be able to build this job
   agent: [any]

   // the build of backendBuild should finish in less than 1h and 30 minutes
   // otherwise it will be aborted
   maxDuration: 1:30

   // if any parent job fails, this build will not run. The entire pipeline
   // build will be aborted once the builds that don't have a dependency on
   // the aborted parent project are done building.
   onParentFailure: ABORT

   // (PRO): defines how heavy the build is in the case the parallel
   // build throttling was turned on. It's an arbitrary number that
   // you can pick depending on your estimate of how demanding
   // building this job is.
   weight: 10

// defines the maxDuration for all 3 jobs overriding what was set
// in the sections above
frontendBuild, linterCheck, integrationTests {
    maxDuration: 1:30

Build Order

This section of DepBuilder DSL defines the build order of dependencies - existing Jenkins build jobs. The DepBuilder does not restrict builds to a special Build type; any of the existing Jenkins build types are suitable, such as:

  • FreeStyleBuild
  • Jenkins Pipeline
  • Any other job created via your own custom plugin


// The build order in this case would be:
// 1. backendBuild, frontendBuild  (built in parallel if using PRO version)
// 2. integrationTests
// 3. deployment
backendBuild     -> integrationTests
frontendBuild    -> integrationTests
integrationTests -> deployment

// The order of job definitions is not important. The DepBuilder will
// figure out the relations between the build jobs. The following
// declaration would build the jobs in the same order as
// in the example above:
frontendBuild    -> integrationTests
integrationTests -> deployment
backendBuild     -> integrationTests

// if the build job contains a space in the name, make sure to put
// the quotes around the name, e.g:
"my job name with spaces" -> integrationTests


If the job’s name contains spaces or special non-ascii characters, you have to declare it in quotes:

"my name with spaces" -> jobWithNoSpaces

"myFolder/myJobName"  -> jobWithNoSpaces


Semicolons are optional end line delimiters, but are necessary in case you would like to put two unrelated statements on the same line, e.g:

backendBuild -> integrationTests; frontendBuild -> integrationTests


   maxDuration: 00:30
   buildThrottle: [09:00|1, 12:00|-1]

_ALL {
   // all jobs should be built either on runner_1 or runner_2
   agent: [runner_1, runner_2]
   // all jobs in the pipeline should be built in less than 10 minutes
   maxDuration: 00:10

backendBuild {
   // overrides settings from _ALL settings
   // overrides the default weight factor
   name: "MyBackend"
   agent: [windows_runner]
   maxDuration: 00:20
   weight: 3;

frontendBuild, integrationTests {
   // inherits agents from _ALL settings (runner_1, runner_2)
   // inherits maxDuration from _ALL settings
   onParentFailure: ABORT
   weight: 2

backendBuild     -> integrationTests;
frontendBuild    -> integrationTests;
integrationTests -> deployment;

   The following is true for our build:

   1. backendBuild will be built on windows_runner and will be displayed
      as MyBackend in the build graph.

   2. If either backendBuild or frontendBuild fails, the build will
      fail and the integrationTests will never run

   3. The entire pipeline should be built in less than 30 minutes.
      The backend build should finish in less than 20 minutes.

   4. The frontendBuild and integrationTests will run on either runner_1
      or runner_2 as this setting is inherited from the _ALL block

   5. Each of the following [frontendBuild, integrationTests, deployment]
      should finish in less than 10 minutes.

   6. deployment job will have the weight factor of 1 (default) and will
      run on either runner_1 or runner_2 (inherited from _ALL block)

   7. If using PRO account and the build ran 09:00 < time < 12:00 the
      backendBuild and frontendBuild wouldn't run in parallel due to
      buildThrottling set in place (the sum of parallel job weights
      should be <= 1).

      If the build started before 09:00 the backendBuild and frontendBuild
      would run in parallel.

      If the build started after 12:00 the backendBuild and frontendBuild
      would run in parallel.


DepBuilder supports using source control management systems for storing your pipeline build scripts. See SCM page for more info on how to correctly set up a build that uses SCM.


SCM is the recommended way of storing your build pipelines.

Parallel Builds

Pro The DepBuilder Pro version contains a build scheduler that will try to automatically schedule new job builds in parallel in order to make the most out of your infrastructure. The number of jobs builds that can run in parallel are only limited by:

  • Number of free Jenkins executors: since every job is built by one Jenkins executor, the maximum number of builds running in parallel is the number of all executors provided by Jenkins build agents. To increase the number of possible parallel builds you have to either increase the number of executors of existing Jenkins build agents or deploy additional Jenkins build agents.

  • Build throttle defined in scheduler settings: number of allowed build weights that can run in parallel during the specified hour of the day. This number is defined by the user in order to waste all build executors just for one pipeline.

    For example: during the day you might want to allocate more resources for jobs that are being built after every commit as opposed to the builds of the entire pipeline which are more suitable for nightly builds.

For more info about build parallelization you can read the documentation and the example in the Pipeline Settings (_BUILD) section.

Sharing the Build Artifacts

Large projects usually consists of complicated build pipelines and libraries that are shared across the build jobs in the pipeline. Since we would often like to share the build artifacts between the parent-child jobs in the pipeline, this situation is best explained with a specific example.

Example: We would like to build the job A and job B in the specified order below. The build of job A also produces a library file which is a prerequisite for building the project B.

// A is the parent job of B (B is a child of A, since it depends on the
// library artifact produced by the job A)
// In other words, first we build the project A and after the A has
// successfully finished building, we can start building the project B
A -> B

Currently, there are two ways of sharing the build artifacts between the jobs in the build pipeline:

  • Use the same agent: you can store the build artifacts directly on the build agent’s filesystem. In our case the job A would store the build artifacts at the end of the build and the job B would pull the artifacts from the same file system location before the start of the build. The DepBuilder pipeline would look like:

    A, B {
        agent: [runner_1]
    A -> B
  • Use the artifactory: if you have the access to the build artifactory or a private “cloud” instance the build agents do not have to be defined in the script. Each parent job has to publish the build artifacts to the artifactory at the end of the build and each child job has to download the artifacts before the start of the build (you can use the Jenkins build/post-build actions). In this case the DepBuilder pipeline would look like:

    A -> B

    By default the DepBuilder is terminating the build if one of the parents for the child job were not built successfully, so there is no fear of building the project B with the old artifacts coming from the project A.

    If you would prefer to build the projects in the pipeline even if they use the old artifacts, you can change the default onParentFailure behaviour:

    _ALL {
        onParentFailure: BUILD
    A -> B